work with me

Are you ready to walk into your God-given greatness?

I dreamed of being an author as a little girl. I completed that dream on my 50th birthday. I am a Children’s Author, and that is where I find complete joy and pride in myself.

I want other women to experience that feeling. I want to help other women remove the obstacles that they have created in their minds that keep them from reaching their own God-given greatness.  Coaching other women to walk into that life of empowerment is who I was created to be.  When you are living out your purpose and you feel God explode his love around you, then you are fully capable of sharing that with others.

And this is who Mama Schon is. 

A God-fearing, Badass Woman who has lived a life full of insecurities, but chooses to walk into her  God-Given purpose and to live a great life. I make no excuses for how I live because I have done the work to be here.

Let’s work together, sis!

Ways To Work Together

  • 1:1 Coaching with Mama Schon

    We’ll work together over 12 weeks to help you hit your goals through weekly coaching sessions, unlimited Voxer support.


    My Private Membership Group helps you stay on track with accountability from Mama Schon, and other current and past clients.


  • Connection

    Utilizing the CARE model, I guide my clients through the process of connecting them to related services and/or their own specific skill set.

  • Acceptance

    Teaching them how to learn acceptance and utilize their personal “POWER” to become strong in seeking out the next step of personal goal getting.

  • Resilience

    This step consists of personal goal setting and understanding how it plays into reaching their desired identity.

  • Empowerment

    My clients will walk away from our session together, stepping into their greatest self-becoming the person that God created them to be.


Let’s Connect

Book a free Clarity Call with me.

Needing some clarity in life? Book a free call with me. Let’s see if coaching is the right fit for you!