meet mama schon

Mama Schon was the nickname that one of the neighborhood kids gave me and it just stuck. I have become Mama Schon to everyone that knows me. I am married to my high school sweetheart, Greg. We have been married for 32 years. In 1996, I gave birth to Quadruplets: Samantha, Carly, Kaitlyn, and Brandon. In 1999, we added another son, Alec, to our family. In 2002, Megan was born to complete our family. We had six children under six that year.  I quickly learned to navigate the hard parts of a big family and to accept the help from family and our community. It takes a village. In the process of raising our family, we became avid volunteers within our community. As a community leader, I am passionate about celebrating where you live and the people that live there. Change can happen amid a positive supportive environment. With change, comes true acceptance of one another. God created all of us for a purpose. He created us all to be great, not mediocre. When we walk in our destiny, it gives God the ultimate praise and He provides us with grace enough.

In 2019, I worked with a Life Coach, Diana Guintu. I was able to navigate through my childhood traumas and insecurities to become this badass version of myself.  I have continued to work with a counselor to navigate my anxiety and occasional depression. Learning how to love myself for who I was created allowed me to achieve a childhood dream. I have always taken care of everyone else (hence, Mama Schon), putting myself last in all scenarios. Walking into my God-given, greater purpose gave me self worth, a self confidence that I never knew I could have. Life is hard but it is what you make it. I believe that what you put in, you get back a thousand times.

In 2020, I wrote my first book in my Once Upon A Farm series. Miller a Rather Fancy Goat was born on my 50th Birthday. It took me 50 years to feel like I was worthy of something more, but I did it.  And I did it my way. 

I have since written two more books in the series. I am so proud of this series. It compliments my husband's dream of owning a farm. Creating fun, easy to read stories about the real-life animals on our farm has become my passion project. And that is where I find complete joy and pride in myself.

I want other women to experience that feeling. I want to help other women remove the obstacles that they have created in their minds that keep them from reaching their own God-given greatness. Coaching other women to walk into that life of empowerment is who I was created to be. When you are living out your purpose, and you feel God explode his love around you, then you are fully capable of sharing that with others.

And this is who Mama Schon is:

A God-Fearing Badass Woman who has lived a life full of insecurities but chooses to walk into her purpose and to live a great life. I make no excuses for how I live because I have done the work to be here.

becoming myself
